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Case report was made on a 5 year-and-one month-old boy who was born with red naevus (Naevus vasculosus) on right-side of his face and in lower extremity of left side, and also, with blue naevus (Naevus caeruleus) in upper extremities bilaterally as well as in the back and abdomen. History revealed that he has been a subject of epileptic fits of Jacksonian type appearing approximately once a year over left side of body ever since one year of age. As he had gone through status epileptics at the age of 3, he gradually began to show restlessness and impairments of both atten-tion-span and memory-recording. He had I.Q. of 62 as determined by W.I.S.C.-I.Q.-test. Family history revealed neither consangui-nity nor presence of other types heredo-fami-liar factors except that the youngest sister had black naevus (benign melanoepithelioma) along right thigh, and right auricular tuber-cle. Patient has, in addition to the afore-mentioned symptoms, developed unilateral hypertrophy of left lower extremity. On the other hand, ophthalmic lesions including glau-coma have not been observed.

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