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2)条件反射の興奮過程としての陽性条件反射は何れの場合にも術後,保護制止の期間を経て比較的速かに術前値に回復した。 3)他方,制止過程としての分化制止は障害され,この傾向は一括別除の揚合にやや著明であり,陽性並びに陰性条件反射量を比較すると術後の比較的初期に於て障害は殊に顕著であつた。また亜分野の逐次剔除の場合には第2次聴覚領野と考えられているPESの剔除後,殊に頻回に障害.されるのを認めた。
1) Bilateral ablation of cortical acoustic areas or sub-areas was performed on the dogs after the establishment of salivary con-ditioned reflexes to various acoustic condi-tioned stimuli.
2) In all cases, the positive conditioned reflexes as excitatory processes were essen-tially unimpaired.
3) On the contrary, the differential inhibi-tion was affected: most markedly after the total removal of the areas, especially at ear-ly postoperative period. In the case of the successive removal of the acoustic sub-areas known as such by means of electrophysiolo-gical or histological investigations, the dif-ferential inhibition was most affected after the bilateral ablation of posterior ectosylvi-an gyrus which is generally regarded as a secondary acoustic area.
4) Usually, no difference was found in the effects of the ablation on various acoustic conditioned reflexes tested.
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