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As far as the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), it should be situated on one phase of body fluid closely connected with blood and its circula-tion, and in any way it is naturally probable that both the production and the absorption of CSF directly depends upon the blood str-eam. Hence we mixed the blood with the CSF of the same patient, both are easily obtained, and we investigated the erythro-cyte sedimentation reaction (ESR) using this mixed blood, representing the possible chan-ges which would take place between blood and CSF especially referring to the anticoa-gulative action of CSF and to the role of protein in the diluted plasma, and in these ESR (BL) not only nonspecific changes of the general body condition but also particular expressions of brain processes via CSF were theoretically expected. The ESR of the blood mixed with the CSF (the ratio of CSF and anticoagulant, and sedimentation rate of the contrast group using Ringer's solution (BR) instead of CSF were in advance deter-mined in various conditions) was examined 81 times on 43 organic or nonorganic neuro-psychiatric patients. The conclusions are as follows:
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