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I章 緒言及び歴史概略
神経芽細胞腫は1880年Parkerが生後5週,男の"Congenital Sarcoma of The Liver"として報告したものに始る。之は明らかに副腎髄質原発の本腫瘍で類似の症例がAbercrombie (1880),Moor (1885),Chaffey (1885),Dalton(1885),Ruyter (1890),Marchand (1891),Sopetoff (1896),Orr (1900),Pepper 1901),Kretz (1904),Amberg (1904),Bruck (1905),Hutchison (1907),Richard (1905),Tileston & Wolbach (1908),Schukowsky (1909),Pick(1912)等によつて報告された。然し当時は特殊染色法もなく其性格は判然せず,円形細胞肉腫・リンパ肉腫等と誤られていた。Ribbert (1904),Küster (1905),Lapointe & Lecène 1907)等はGliomaと考えた。一方Marchandは既に此腫瘍の胎児交感神経組織類似を示摘し,此事はWiesel (1905)によつて更に強調され,Küs-terの論女(Glioma説)が否定された。Wright(1910)に至って交感神経系発生の神経芽細胞腫である事が主張され,真の性格がわかつて来た。
Differentiation of sympathetic nervous ti-ssues especially truncus sympathicus of 19 embryoes and fetuses (I-VIII month), 28 non-chromaf fin sympathetic tumors (15 neuro-blastomas, 4 ganglioneuroblastomas, 9 gangli-oneuromas) and a peculiar ganglioneuroma, to which the author conveniently refered as "ganglion-cell-formative neurinoma" are stu-died histologically.
I Embryonal sympathetic nervous tissues
a) The degree of the development of gan-glion conspicuously varies from fetus to fe-tus of even the same month, and also from ganglion to ganglion of a same fetus. This holds true with the individual nerve cell in a ganglion, too. Differentiation of neuro-blasts in the adrenal medulla comes last.
b) Neuroblast begins to produce 1 or 2 or several fibrillar processes, and then develops into a multipolar form. Fibrillar processes first stretch to confluent into fine networks, then into either of the shapes of grape veins, complicated branches, and spokes (fibrils of a rosette), which gather together into the form of pampas grass and finally a large river (bundles of embryonal non-medullated nerve fibres without neurolemma).

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