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CLINICAL APPLICATION OF DIMETHYLAMINOETHANOL T. Kumada 1 , R. Otsuka 1 , T. Asai 1 , N. Hori 1 1Department of Psychiatry Kanazawa University School of Medicine pp.239-247
Published Date 1960/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200904
  • Abstract
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1. Therapeutical effects of 2-dimethylami-noethanol were investigated in totally 33 cli-nical cases, consisting of 17 depressive states, 11 schizophrenia, 2 narcolepsy, 2 migraine and 1 psychopathia.

2. When 2-dimethylaminoethanol was ad-ministered to the patients of depressive states, favorable results were observed in more than a half part of the total 17 cases, and particu-larly it was markedly effective for mild dep-ressive states. Among the various doses tr-ially administered, a long term administration at the dose of 50 mg/day was best effective in these cases.

3. When the drug was administered to chronic schizophrenic patients for long term, the administration did not result in funda-mentally improving their clinical conditions. However, we observed the improvements in spontaneousness, rapport and the results of Kroepelin-Uchida's test in the majority of the cases.

4. The drug was not effective for narco-lepsy, but was effective for migraine, and in one psychopathic case tranquilizing effects were also observed.

5. The side-actions were minimal clinically, and abnormal changes were not observed in blood, blood pressure and urine test's.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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