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脳循環に関する研究は西歴前60年Plinyが記載して以来,医学の進歩と共に絶えず進展して来たが1),現在の様に臨床の広い領域に於いて問題とされるに至つたのは,1945年Kety & Sch—midt2)により新しい測定法が提唱されて以来の事であり,その臨床的研究は枚挙に遑がない有様である3)4)。しかし脳循環を論じその意義を正しく理解する為には,脳血行に関する正確な解剖学的並びに生理学的研究,特に血管分布と中枢機能との関連に就いての基礎的な研究がなされねばならないのは当然である。
1. The angio-architecture of the cerebral ar- teries, especially of the basial artery filled with synthetic resin improved by Motozato was studied in men and dogs, and the aut- hors confirmed that there existed the ar- terial anastomoses among the arteries of the cerebral cortex but there were no such anastomoses among the perforating arteries of the brain stem and of the basal ganglia.
2. Administration of some central nerve sti- mulants such as Picrotoxin, Ephedrin, KCl or Nicotin into the vertebral artery of ra- bbits caused more easily a pressor response than a depressor one, that is, the sympa- thetic function was dominant but adominist- ration into the carotid artery, on the contr- ary, more easily caused a depressor, i.e. parasympathetic response than a sympathetic One.
3. In rabbits and cats, the effect of the mechanical occlusion of the basial artery on the blood pressure and respiration was ob- served, through a parapharyngeal approach after ligation of both carotids.
a) Occlusion at the rostral level caused inhibition of respiration and a marked rise in blood pressure in all cases.

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