

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Prognosis of Hyperthermia Following Acute Injury to the Brain Handa Hajime 1 1First Surgical Division, Kyoto University Medical School pp.191-193
Published Date 1954/7/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200404
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In this paper, the types and prognosis of the neurogenic hyperthermia occurring shortly after an intracranial operation or a head injury arediscussed on the basis of clinical observations.

Clinically the following six types of acute neurogenic hyperthermia may be distinguished:

In group (1) hyperthermia is induced within 3 hours following a brain damage. This group is seen only in cases of injuries in or around the hypothalamus and the caudal brainstem.

In group (1') hyperthermia is preceded by the hypothermia lower than 36℃ appearing within 3 hours following an injury and associat-ed with bradycardia and low blood pressure.

In these groups, whatever therapeutic pro-cedures may be undertaken, the fatal outcome is inevitable in 10-15 hours (group (1)) and in 5-10 hours (group (1')).

In group (2) hyperthermia does not com-mence until 3-12 hours, rarely 24 hours after an injury. This seems to be attributed either to brain edema or to absorption of destruction products from the site of the lesion. In this group, some measures such as ice-packs and antipyretic drugs etc. may be occasionally effec-tive, but in most of cases death occurs in the following 15-30 hours.

In group (3) the temperature is maintained between 37° and 37.5℃ during the first 2-3 days, rarely 7 days, but thereafter rises rapidly and reaches over 40℃ accompanied with the disturbance of consciousness. This type seems to the result of postoperative bleeding. In this group, therefore, an emergency operation should be carried out.

In group (4), 3-12 hours after an injury the temperature rises and reaches about 39℃, and within the next 2-3 days the temperature falls transitorily to 38℃ with more or less Perspiration, but thereafter begins to rise again above 40℃. It should be emphasized that in cases of extradural hematoma, where hyper-thermia of this type is not infrequently seen, profuse perspiration is recognized. An emer-gency operation such as exploratory burr holes in the temporal region should be performed.

In group (5), the raised temperature is of the intermittent type, higher in the morning and lower in the afternoon, quite different from the fever in acute surgical infection. This type of hyperthermia was seen in cases of an operation in or around a lateral ventricle, and attributed to the aseptic ependymitis associated with a more or less obstruction of sylvian aqueduct. In this group, therefore, an emer-gency drainage of the lateral ventricle may be advisable.

In group (6) the temperature rises gradually and reaches above 40℃ in the course of 7-10 days and the death ensues. The cause seems to be the hemorrhage within the brainstem.

Copyright © 1954, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


