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進行性顔面半側萎縮症(Hemiatrophia faciei progressiva)の原因については古來色々論ぜられているが未だ定説が無い。吾々が本症に就て興味を感ずるのは,其臨床像に種々變化のあることとその病因である。
最近吾々も左側顔面に高度な萎縮を認めるばかりでなく輕度乍ら萎縮が左半身にも波及している略々Hemiatmphia totalisと稱し得る1例に遭遇し引き續き觀察中なので其の概略を報告すると共に文献的にも2,3考察を加えてみたいと思う。
The progressive facial hemiatrophy, since its denomination by Romberg in 1846, has been no slight concerns of both fundamental medicine and the clinical departments, but as yet no definite theory regarding this disease has been established.
Contrary to the considerable numbers of re-ports in western countries, only 47 cases (includ-ing ours) have been reported in Japan.
Our case; male,15 years old. When 6 mon-ths old, dropped down from its bed to the wooden floor, and received a hard concussion on its head which we believe is the only cause of the atrophy that began to appear on the left side of face at the age of 14. This atrophy increased its severity slowly and gradually, causing apparently, the asymmetry of his face. This atrophy was recognized not only in the skin, subcutaneous tissues and muscle, but in the bone; in addition to this, total hemiatrophy began to appear though in a slight degree on the left half of his body.
With this atrophy, the accentuation of the tendon reflex of the same side a specific phenomenon was confirmed. The atrophy in this case of ours may be said to have a cent-ral origin.
In addition to the above review, statistical considerations were made on the 47 literatures of this country.
Copyright © 1954, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.