

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Adversive Movement in Epileptic Seizure:I Clinical Study and Activation of Epileptic Seizure Koichi Kitamura 1 1Neurosurgical Clinic, Tokyo University pp.69-73
Published Date 1953/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200332
  • Abstract
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 The adversive movement in the induced general convulsive seizure was studied in various types of epilepsy including grand mal, petit mal, psychomotor and focal cortical seizures.

 The seizures were provoked by slow intravenousinjection of Pentazol (Pentamethylentetrazol, Cardiazol, Metrazol) solution at the speed of 30mg per 30 seconds. It was observed that this method of activation was the most physiological and natural one.

 In this first report the material was a series of 67 cases admitted to the Neurosurgical Clinic of the Tokyo University.

 a) The side towards which the adversive movement was directed changed frequently during a convulsive seizure.

 b) In many epileptics, however, the dinection of the initial adversive movement was consistent in each induced seizure. This was true in all cases of focal cortical seizure, 80% of cases with petit mal or grand mal, and only 68% of cases with psychomotor epilepsy.

 c) In the focal cortical epilepsy, the side towards which the initial adversive movement was directed was constantly opposite to the side of the focus, but in the induced convulsive seizures of psychomotor patients with focus in the unilateral anterior temporal region, the initial adversive movement was, in about 50% of cases, inconstant in direction.

 d) Wherever epileptogenic foci might exist in the cerebral cortex except for the temporal region, the direction of the initial adversive movement was consistently opposite to the side of foci.

 e) On the side towards which the initial adversive movement was directed, the constriction of the Peripherial vessel was seen by plethysmography.

 f) Whether the loss of consciousness appeared prior to or after the onset of adversive movement had, in the authors cases, no definite correlation, such as Penfield, with location of foci in the cerebral hemisphere.

Copyright © 1953, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


