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先天性異常としての胼胝體の缺損に關しては,1812年Reilにょり始めて發表せられて以來,各國で數多くの報告が見られている。即ち,1922年Mingazziniは其の著書"Der Balken"に於て,世界中で報告せられたのは完全缺損44例,不完全缺損22例であると述べている。其の後Davidoff (1934)は83例,Regirer (1935)は90例,de M-ersier (1935)は94例の完全及び不完全訣損例が報告されたと言い,又吾國に於ても4例の報告が認められる。從つて全世界の例を合せば,恐らく100例以上に達するものと思われ,さほど稀有のものではない。しかし以上はすべて死後剖検により發見せられたものであつて,生前氣腦撮影にて此の症状を發見したのはDavidoff及びDyke (1934)を以て嚆矢とする。彼等はNew Yorkに於て1100人の氣腦撮影の結果3人に本症を發見した。其の後1939年にHyndman及びPenfieldによつて5例が同樣にして生前診斷せられたと報告せられている。
A case of the defect of the Septum pelluci-dum presuming a congenitaly. Girl 2 years and 3 months complained disturbances of growth, intelligent, standing and walking. We observed the specific radiologic finding of vent-ricles in pneumoencephalography, that is the lateral ventricles of both side slightly enlarged and there was defect of the septum pellucidum that exists between them in normal subjects, and consequectly the ventricles made one cavity which apeared as reversed trapezoid in ventro-dorsal projection. There were no abnormalities on the 3 ventricle and basal cisterna and no any findings in neurological examinations. We think that this case is a defect of septum pellu-cidum and perhaps congenital one considering the symptoms and clinical course. There are intimate relation between the septum pellucidum and corpus callosum and there are some reports that the defect of septum pellucidum often combines the defect of corpus callosum. Davi-doff (1934) Hyndman (1939) and others made the diagnosis of the defect of corpus callosum in life time, but our case differs considerable from them, and therefore we think this case as a simple defect of septum pellucidum.

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