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Proceding of formalin fixing paraffin sectioned material to perchase for the various const-ructionof central nervous system. I tried a certain particular stain, and was able to get some considerable results. So I report it on this paper.
(I) Staining for axis-cylinder.
a) Silver impregnation for axis-cylinder.
1) Remove paraffin from section and place in;
2) 5% ammoniac iodine potassium solution, half to an hour at 55-60 C grade.
3) 30% formalin for 1 minute.
4) 10% silver nitric acid, 15 minutes at 55-60 C grade.
5) and deoxydation in 20% formalin.
6) 3 times diluted Gros-Schultze's ammo niac silver fluid, 15 minutes at 55-60 C grade.
7) Deoxydation in 20% formalin.
8) And follow the precedent of Bielscho-wsky's method. (Gold chloride etc.) b) Hematoxylin staining for axis-cylinder. This procedure on cut sections of the cerebellum, pons, and of medulla oblon-gata is described, allowing Sargent's he-matoxylin, is worked excellent consequ-ence.
(Ⅱ) Staining for medullary sheath.
I deviced four methods, however, one of what altered of Kulschitzky's method was most available for this purpose.
1) Remove paraffin by xylol.
2) 5% Iron alum, 15 minuites.
3) Kulschitzy's hematoxylin, 20 to 30 minu-tes at 55-60 C grade.
4) Differentiate in lithion-ferricyan potas-sium.
5) Dehydrate and mount.
(III) For Nissl staining
This method should be proceded with original solution of Wrights' was deluted 3 times by Giordano buffer solution, and be differentiated by absolute alcohol.
(IV) Staining for glia fibrils.
a) The manner specialized in using of Mallo-ry's hematoxylin.
1) Of high grade acidfied acetic acid copper solution, an hour to one and half hours at 37 C grade.
2) 0.3% permanganic acid potassium, 30 minuites to an hour.
3) 1.0% oxalic acid, 30 mminuites and place in;
4) Mallory's hematoxylin, 10 hours or over at 37℃ grade.
5) Dehydrate and mount.
b) Method in using of victoriablue. 1) Excessively acidfied saturation acetic acid copper solution, one and half to two hours at 37 C grade.
2) 0.3% permanganic acid potassium, an hour or over.
3) 1.0% oxalic aJid, 30 minuites.
4) 1.0% victoaiablue, 4 to 5 hours or over at 37℃ grade.
5) After the manner of the Weifert's me-thod. (Iodine-iodic potassium solution and anilin-xylol. etc.)

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