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要旨 [目的]ドパミン神経のシナプス前機能を評価するドパミントランスポータイメージング剤[123I]β-CIT,およびシナプス後機能を評価するドパミン受容体イメージング剤[123I]IBFを用いたSPECT検査を錐体外路系疾患患者に施行し,その臨床的意義を検討した。[方法]線条体に関心領域を設定し,1)特異的線条体集積量:線条体カウント/後頭葉カウント-1,2)被殻・尾状核集積比:(被殻カウント/尾状核カウント),3)左右差指標を算出した。[結果]特異的線条体集積量は,β-CITでは血管性パーキンソニズムを除き,早期パーキンソン病も含めた錐体外路系疾患において健常者よりも有意に低値であった。IBFでは,Yahr I-II度群のパーキンソン病と比較してYahr III-IV度群で有意に低値であった。[結語]両SPECT製剤は錐体外路系疾患の早期診断,病期判定および鑑別診断に有用であると考えられた。
Imaging of dopaminergic function is useful in the investigation of patients with Parkinson disease(iPD) and other extrapyramidal diseases. Using agents that bind to dopamine transporters([123I]β-CIT) and receptors([123I]IBF SPECT), we investigated SPECT in 9 healthy volunteers and 24 patients for dopamine transporters as well as 15 patients for dopamine receptors. In β-CIT SPECT studies, we examined 17 iPD patients(63.3±9.9y/o), 3 multiple system atrophy(MSA) patients(OPCA type)(64.0±8.0y/o), 2 vascular parkinsonism(VP) patients(71.0±0.0y/o),1 progressive supranuclear palsy(PSP) patient(69y/o), 1 cortico-basal degeneration(CBD) patient(50y/o) and nine healthy controls(39.1±9.3y/o). For IBF SPECT studies 11 iPD patients(60.6±10.9y/o), 3 MSA patients(2 OPCA type(50.5±3.5y/o) and 1 SND type(65y/o))and 1 PSP patient(60y/o) underwent SPECT scans after the injection of [123I]IBF. The spe‐cific to nonspecific striatal uptake ratio(St/Oc-1), ratio of putaminal uptake to caudatal uptake(Pu/Ca), and asymmetry indices(AI) were estimated. β-CIT studies showed St/Oc-1 as follows;iPD:2.66±1.09(n=17), VP:5.73 and 7.39, MSA:1.84±0.46(n=3), PSP:2.34, CBD:2.16. In all extrapyramidal diseases except VP, St/Oc-1 ratios were significantly lower than those in normal volunteers(6.46±1.08)(p<0.01). Also in early-phase iPD patients(Yahr I-II), St/Oc-1(3.16±1.49:n=4) was significantly lower than those in normal volunteers(p<0.01). In IBF studies, St/Oc-1 ratios were significantly higher in early-phase(Yahr I-II) iPD patients(1.82±0.25:n=5) than those in late-phase(Yahr III-IV) iPD patients(1.38±0.32:n=6)(p<0.05). The Pu/Ca ratios in iPD patients(1.12±0.13) and MSA(OPCA type) patients(0.95±0.05) were higher than that in MSA(SND type) patient(0.78) and were lower than that in PSP patient(1.55). In conclusion, β-CIT-SPECT is useful for the diagnosis of early-phase iPD patients and for differentiating VP from other extrapyramidal diseases. IBF-SPECT is useful for the diagnosis of the severity of iPD and has the possibility for ruling out MSA(SND type) or PSP from iPD. Both tracers are useful for investigating the pathophysiology of patients with iPD and other extrapyramidal diseases.

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