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要旨 症例は74歳,男性。原因不明の発熱が3 日間続いた後,見当識障害が出現し,痙攣発作を生じたため当院に来院。髄液検査で細胞数1,560/3( N : L=4 : 1),蛋白305mg/dl,糖91mg/dl,の所見を認めたため,脳炎の診断で治療を行った。第18病日のMRI では両側対称性の視床と播種性な白質病変が主体であり,急性散在性脳脊髄炎も疑われた。対症療法により認知症を残し,転院となった。脳炎と急性散在性脳脊髄炎の鑑別は明確でなく,早期の診断基準の確立が望まれる。
A seventy-four-male with disorientation and convulsion was transferred to this hospital after three days fever which was unknown origin. Because the examination of cerebrospinal fluid were ; cell count 1,560/3(N : L=4 : 1), protein 305mg/dl, sugar 91mg/dl, he was treated as encephalitis. However, MRI of the 18th hospital day revealed bilateral thalamic lesion and disseminated white matter lesions, suggesting acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. He left dementia after treatment and transferred to another hospital. Since, it is difficult to make a differential diagnosis between encephalitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, early establishment of diagnostic criteria for acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is required.

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