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要旨 最大発声時間(MPT)と肺活量(VC)の関係を調べ,筋疾患における呼吸機能スクリーニングとしてのMPTの有用性を検討した。健康成人18名,筋疾患患者32名で,坐位でVCを測定し,最大吸気の後「アー」と声の続く限り発声させ,その持続時間を測定した。さらに,患者6名で舌咽頭呼吸の有無によるVCとMPTの変化を調べた。健康成人ではMPTとVCに有意な相関はなかったが,患者ではMPTとVCは有意に正相関し,MPTが15秒未満の患者のVCは1.5l以下だった。また舌咽頭呼吸でMPTは増加した。筋疾患患者では,MPTはVC低下のスクリーニングや舌咽頭呼吸の有用性の判定に有用である。
We examined the relation of maximum phonation time(MPT) and vital capacity(VC) and reviewed the usefulness of MPT as a respiratory function screening.
Subjects : 18 healthy adult subjects(8 men and 10 women), and 32 myopathic patients(24 men and 8 women).
Methods : MPT and VC were measured in sitting position. Six patients were tested with and without air-stacking by glossopharyngeal respiration.
Results : In healthy subjects, MPT was 29.9±11.8 seconds in men and 21.7±7.8 seconds in women. Second trials showed good reproducibility. The healthy group had no correlation between MPT and VC. The patient group showed a significant positive correlation between MPT and VC(r2=0.25, p=0.003). All patients with MPT less than 15 seconds showed VC less than 1.5l and %VC less than 50%. Air-stacking by glossopharyngeal respiration significantly increased the MPT.
Conclusions : MPT is a useful screening test for respiratory muscle weakness. The patients are easily aware of the effect of air-stacking by glossopharyngeal respiration.
(Received : July 16, 2004)

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