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要旨 一過性全健忘(TGA)は,その特徴的な臨床症状にもかかわらず,病因や責任病巣の確定には至っていない。われわれは冠動脈造影後にTGAを呈した2例を経験した。症例1は77歳の女性で,橈骨動脈アプローチでオプチレイ(R)350を103ml室温で使用した。症例2は73歳の男性で,右後頭葉の脳梗塞の既往がある。同様にオムニパーク(R)350を95ml使用した。いずれの症例も検査終了15分後に,突然,近時記憶の障害と逆行性健忘を生じ,同じ質問を何度も繰り返した。症状は24時間以内で改善した。2例とも急性期,慢性期いずれも,diffusion-weighted image(DWI)で異常はみられなかった。血管造影後のTGA例では,カテーテル操作に起因する微小塞栓,造影剤の性質や温度の影響による血管のスパズムなどが原因と報告されている。しかし,可逆性の異常をDWIでのみ認めることなどから,精神的または物理的刺激による神経伝達物質放出が誘起され,一過性の細胞脱分極が起こる機能異常が最も示唆された。
Two cases of transient global amnesia(TGA) following coronary angiography are reported.
Nonionic contrast media was used and injected at room temperature. Both cases showed sudden amnesia about 15 minutes after the left ventriculography. A clinical feature was typical to TGA, showing repeated questions with retrograde and antegrade memory disturbance without any other neurological abnormality. Diffusion-weighted images(DWI) of magnetic resonance imaging revealed no fresh lesion in both cases.
The patients recovered from TGA attack within 24 hours. Some cases have been reported which display a manifested TGA following cerebral or coronary angiography. In these situations, embolism, the effect by the contrast media was suspected as the cause of TGA. Since most TGA cases in a classical meaning(primary TGA) showed no abnormality in both DWI and T2-weighted image(T2WI), the cerebral ischemia was not really considered to be the cause of the condition. Therefore, the pathogenesis of the TGA is suggested to be much more functional rather than anatomically abnormal. The pathogenesis of the primary TGA was thought to be some kind of hypersensitivity to the external stress or the stress reaction of the hippocampal cell. This stress may lead to cellular depolarization and the following repolarization(spreading depression), which showed transient abnormality in DWI and not a permanent abnormality in T2WI.
(Received : October 8, 2003)

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