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要旨 一過性全健忘(transient global amnesia : TGA)は特徴的な臨床像の一方で,その病因は不明である。われわれはTGAの1例で,発症30時間後のMRI拡散強調画像(diffusion-weighted image : DWI)で側脳室に接する左海馬CA1領域に病変を認めた。同病変は発作9日後のfluid-attenuated inversion recovery(FLAIR)画像でも確認され,遷延性に経過した小梗塞と判断された。7日後に行ったSPECT,PETで側頭葉の血流・代謝の低下が遺残し,合致する所見であった。しかし,支配血管の異常やvascular risk factorを認めず,微小循環障害の原因は不明であった。
The pathogenesis of transient global amnesia (TGA) remains uncertain, although it is featured by characteristic clinical symptoms. We present a patient with TGA, in which diffusion-weighted MR image showed a punctuate hyperintense lesion in the left CA1 subfield of the hippocampus adjoining the lateral ventricle 24 hours after the onset. This lesion was observed with FLAIR image after 9 days from the onset, and therefore was considered to be a delayed ischemic lesion. A SPECT and PET studies 7 days after the onset showed a decrease of the CBF, CMRO2 and CMRglu, and was compatible with a delayed ischemic lesion. However, there were no cardiovascular risk factors nor abnormalities of vascular supply, and therefore the reason for microcirculatory disturbances remained unclear.
(Received : February 2, 2005)

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