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要旨 くも膜下出血後7~14日目の患者8名に対し,ファスジル60mg静注前後の脳循環の変化をCT perfusionにて検討した。タイムデンシティーカーブのピークまでの平均時間,平均ピーク値に変化はなかった。CBPが40 ml/100g/min以下の領域では,平均34.4±4.7から41.0±8.2/ml/100g/minへ上昇し(p<0.01),当該領域のCBVは2.41±0.53から2.55±0.5/ml/100gへと上昇(p<0.05),MTTは5.09±1.13から4.82±0.89 secへと低下した(p<0.05)。CBPが41 ml/100g/min以上の領域では,平均51.8±7.6から50.4±8.4 ml/100g/minと変化なく,CBVは2.75±0.62から2.67±0.55 ml/100gへ低下(p<0.05),MTTは3.80±0.76から3.77±0.72 secと変化を認めなかった。ファスジル60mgの静注にて,血管攣縮による脳血流低下部位に対する脳血流量および脳血液量増加,平均通過時間短縮効果が示唆された。
Using CT perfusion studies we evaluated changes in the cerebral circulation before and after the intravenous administration of fasudil 60mg in 8 patients 7 to 14 days after a subarachnoid hemorrhage. The mean duration to the peak of the time-density curve and the average peak value did not change. In areas with cerebral blood perfusion (CBP) less than 40ml/100g/min,the CBP increased from 34.4±4.7ml/100g/min to 41.0±8.2ml/100g/min (p<0.01) after fasudil infusion, the cerebral blood volume (CBV) rose from 2.41±0.53ml/100g to 2.55±0.5ml/100g (p<0.05), and the mean transit time(MTT)decreased from 5.09±1.13s to 4.82±0.89s (p<0.05). In areas where the CBP was more than 41ml/100g/min, the CBP did not change (from 51.8±7.6ml/100g/min to 50.4±8.4ml/100g/min), the CBV decreased (from 2.75±0.62ml/100g to 2.67±0.55ml/100g, p<0.05), and the MTT did not change (from 3.80±0.76s to 3.77±0.72s).
These results suggest that intravenous infusion of fasudil 60mg increases cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume and shortens MTT in areas with decreased blood flow due to vasospasm.
(Received : April 26, 2005)

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