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塩酸ファスジルは脳血管拡張作用を有し,二重盲検試験でくも膜下出血(subarachnoid hemorrhage, SAH)後の症候性脳血管攣縮を30%低下させ有効との結果15)より1995年に認可されて以来,本邦では広く使用されている薬剤である.また攣縮血管に対する動注療法も指田ら,Tachibanaらの報告14,17)以降,各施設において散在的に使用され,その有効性と副作用の少なさを指摘するものが多い4,16).脳血管攣縮に対する動注薬剤として以前より塩酸パパベリンが使用されてきたが,高濃度の薬剤による穿通枝の閉塞や血管壁の損傷がその主体と考えられる散瞳,麻痺,意識レベル低下,呼吸停止といった副作用が報告され7,13,22),近年ではさしたる合併症を認めない塩酸ファスジル動注にシフトしてきている4,16).しかし塩酸ファスジルの動注至適量,効果持続時間がいまだ不明のまま施行されているのが現状である.そこで本研究の目的は塩酸ファスジルの動注による効果持続時間を明らかにすることである.
Intra-arterial infusion (IA) of fasudil hydrochloride for cerebral vasospasm is performed in many institutions and is associated with few side effects. Nonetheless,as optimum dose and duration of action remain unknown, the present study aimed to clarify these variables. We performed intra-arterial injection of fasudil hydrochloride for eight patients with cerebral vasospasm 7-13 days after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Fasudil hydrochloride was administered via the internal carotid artery without selective microcatheterization,at a concentration and speed of 30 mg/20 ml/10-15 min, using a total dose of 30-60 mg. Cerebral angiography was used to measure change in blood vessel diameter at 19 points, and perfusion CT was used to detect changes in cerebral blood perfusion (CBP), cerebral blood volume (CBV), and mean transit time (MTT) at 12 hemispheres. Investigations were performed before IA, immediately after IA (post IA), and 4.5 to 6 hours later.
For central vessels,(A1,M1) mean change in diameter (cm) measured pre IA,post IA,and 4.5-6 hours later was 1.2 ± 0.68, 1.5 ± 0.72, and 1.2 ± 0.7, respectively. For peripheral vessels (peripheral to A1, M1, and the ophthalmic artery) change in diameter (cm) was 0.65±0.16, 0.97±0.24, and 0.71±0.24,respectively. Average CBP (ml/100g/min) in the infused hemisphere at pre IA, post IA,and 4.5-6 hours later was 41.6 ± 3.56, 46.4 ± 5.82,41.6 ± 7.42, respectively. Average CBV (ml/100g) was 2.72 ±0.21, 2.73 ±0.21, 2.91 ±0.42, respectively and average MTT (sec) was 5.16 ± 0.38, 4.57 ± 0.70,5.55 ± 1.0, respectively.
Changes in peripheral vessel diameter and in MTT were statistically significant. Therefore,when performing intra- arterial administration of fasudil hydrochloride,clinicians should be aware that vasodilator effect is less than 6 hours.

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