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抄録 たこつぼ心筋症は,突然発症する左室心尖部の一過性収縮低下を来す疾患である。閉経後の女性に多く,心身のストレス状況を背景に発症し,一般には自然軽快するものが多いが,時に種々の合併症を来し,心原性ショックに至るものもあるため,軽視はできない。今回,統合失調症の昏迷状態にある60歳台女性患者に対し,自科麻酔で電気けいれん療法(ECT)を2回行ったところ,心電図異常(Ⅱ,Ⅲ,aVF,V3-6にて陰性T)を発見し,たこつぼ心筋症による心原性ショックと診断された一回復例を経験した。昏迷状態においてはECT以外の選択肢は乏しく,その際は,生じうる合併症として,たこつぼ心筋症にも留意を要する。
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy(TCM)is an acute and transient systolic dysfunction of the left ventricular apex. Menopausal women are at greatest risk with physical or emotional stress in the background. Supportive treatment helps recovery in many cases, but some cases lead to complications such as cardiogenic shock;therefore careful observation and follow-up is required. We give further details of this complication by referring to the ECT case of a female patient in her 60s in a catatonic state with schizophrenia. After the second ECT session, an electrocardiogram showed new T-wave inversion(Ⅱ, Ⅲ, aVF, V3-6), and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and cardiogenic shock was diagnosed. She recovered after transfer. Any other choice than ETC in this state is rare. Under these conditions, we need to consider about the risk of TCM.

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