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カンボジアでは,Pol Pot政権下ですべての精神科医療施設が破壊され,精神科医療従事者も皆無になった。35年後の今日,それらがどのように再生されたのかを知るために,2016年9月,プノンペンとシェムリアップを訪れ,5か所の精神保健施設を見学した。その現状を報告し,困難を極めた精神科医療の再生の道すじについても概述した。
In September 2016, ten members of Kokura Friday Club visited five Cambodian psychiatric facilities;Mental Health and Sabstance Abuse ward in Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital, Center for Child Adolescent Mental Health in Chey Chumneas Hospital, Trans-Psychosocial Organization and National Detox and Rehabilitation Center in Phnom Penh as well as Supporters for Mental Health in Siem Reap. The purpose of our visit was to know so-called “the rebirth” of Cambodian psychiatry after the tragic history of Pol Pot regime(1971-1975), under which all the mental health facilities were eradicated. At present there are 57 psychiatrists and 46 psychiatric nurses in the country. Fundamental mental health facilities are now developping and further constant foreign supports are needed. We also gave a brief description of Cambodian rebirth of mental health service after Pol Pot regime.

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