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レストレス・レッグス症候群(RLS)患者98人(男性33人:女性65人,平均年齢63.6歳)を対象に,日中の精神症状の有無とその程度について調査を行った。各尺度の平均点数は,IRLS 16.4点,SDS 39.1点,HADS-A 5.6点,Apathy Scale 12.8点,PSQI 8.5点であり,軽度の抑うつと不安・焦燥が認められた。またRLSが重症であるほど夜間の睡眠障害だけでなく,日中の抑うつと不安・焦燥も重篤であるとの結果が得られた。RLS患者では日中に抑うつ,不安・焦燥を合併していることがあるため,これらの症状に注意をしながら診療にあたる必要がある。
We evaluated the daytime presence of depression, anxiety, and apathy in 98 patients (33 males, 65 females;mean ages:63.6 years) with restless legs syndrome (RLS). The means of the evaluation scales were 16.4, 39.1, 5.6, 12.8, and 8.5 for the International Restless Legs Syndrome Rating Scale, Self-rating Depression Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Anxiety, Apathy Scale, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, respectively. The patients with severe RLS showed not only intense sleep disturbances in the night, but also intense depressive symptoms and anxiety and/or irritability. These data suggest that more attention should be directed to daytime psychiatric symptoms when treating patients with RLS in clinical practice.

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