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We reviewed our experience in 116 patients whounderwent implantation of endocardial pacing leads, todetermine the incidence of stress imposed by the sub-clavian soft tissues (costoclavicular ligament and sub-clavius muscle) as they respond to movements of theupper extremity. Chest X rays have shown two types ofstress, compression with depression of the clavicle andtraction with elevation of the clavicle. In 52 patients ofstandard subclavian venipuncture, compression has oc-cured in 6 patients (11.5 %) and traction in 44 patients(86.4%). In 61 patients of extrathoracic subclavianvenipuncture and 3 patients of axillary venipuncture, nocompression has occured in 64 patients and traction hasoccurred in 2 patients (3.1%). In 97 patients of extra-thoracic subclavian venipuncture and 8 patients of axil-lary venipuncture, there has been only one venoconstric-tion for an overall complication rate of 0.95%.
In summary, our data suggests that endocardial pac-ing leads should be placed by using the extrathoracicapproach and probably not be placed by the standardapproach.

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