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A 74-year-old male was admitted to our hospitalbecause of sudden chest oppression and dyspnea. Onchest X-ray film, cardiac shadow and mediastinal spacewere enlarged. Large amounts of pericardial effusionand pericardial thickening were confirmed by echocar-diography and chest computed tomography, and thendiagnosed as cardiac tamponade. Pericardial effusionbloody, and adenosin deaminase level in the effusion waselevated without inflammatory reaction. Since pericar-dial effusion increased again, pericardial and medias-tinal lymph node biopsy was undertaken, and revealedtypical granuloma formation with caseous necrosis. Thecase was diagnosed as tuberculous pericarditis. Accord-ingly, combined oral administration of antituberculardrugs with prednisolone were started and continued forthree months. Thereafter, the patient was free fromsymptoms and without accumulation of pericardialeffusion. These findings suggest that tuberculous pericar-ditis should be considered in a patient complaining ofsudden chest discomfort due to massive pericardialeffusion, even without significant inflammatory reaction.

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