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Cardiomyopathy in a Patient with Becker Type Muscle Dystrophy Junji Yajima 1 , Ichiro Watanabe 1 , Akihiro Kanda 1 , Masahito Moriuchi 1 , Kazuhiko Kondo 1 , Toshiaki Kojima 1 , Hirofumi Kishioka 1 , Tsuneo Mizumura 1 , Satoshi Saito 1 , Yukio Ozawa 1 , Katsuo Kanmatsuse 1 , Isamu Sakurai 2 1The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nihon University School of Medicine 2The Second Department of Pathology, Nihon University School of Medicine Keyword: Becker型筋ジストロフィー症 , 心筋障害 , MRI , Becker type muscle dystrophy , cardiomyopathy pp.1109-1112
Published Date 1994/11/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404900961
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The patient was a 47 year old male.Although thetiming of his first walking steps was not delayed,he hadbeen pointed out as having Pseudohypertrophy of thegastrocnemius muscle since his childfood.A significantweakening of muscle power in both lower extremitieswas noted around 1985 and he was diagnosed as havingBecker-type muscular dystrophy (BMD).Because hehad felt dyspnea in the supine position since April,1992,he was admitted to our hospital for detailed examina-tion and treatment.Electrocardiogram showed R/S>1in V1 and abnormal Q wave in I,aVL,V5-6.

Copyright © 1994, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


