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症例は33歳,女性.乏尿,腹部膨満感,下腿浮腫を主訴に当院内科に入院.肝疾患を疑われ精査・加療をうけるも軽快せず当科紹介となる.胸部X線写真では異常は認められなかったが,心エコー図で肥厚した心嚢膜と心外膜,その間のecho free spaceを認め,echo free spaceの中にはもやもや像が認られた.また,Mモードで左室後壁拡張期平坦化運動が観察され,心臓カテーテル検査による右心室波形がdip and plateau波であったことより浸出性収縮性心膜炎を疑い緊急手術を施行した.肥厚した心嚢膜と心外膜の問には約100mlの血性心嚢液が貯留しており,心嚢膜,心外膜を切除すると循環動態は著しく改善した.術後経過は良好で,現在まで心不全徴候なく経過している.急性心膜炎の既往が明らかではないが,経過・手術所見よりHancockの提唱した浸出性収縮性心膜炎と考えられた.
A 33-year-old female was operated on successfully for effusive-constrictive pericarditis. She was admitted to our hospital for oligouria, abdominal distention and leg edema. The diagnosis was constrictive pericarditis with severe right heart failure, an emergency operation was performed.
Pericardium and epicardium thickened and an intra-pericardial space, about 100 ml of bloody effusion was pooled. Pericardiectomy was conducted and cardiac function remarkably improved. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient is now well 6 months after the operation.

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