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We report a case of latent cardiac sarcoidosis in re-ference to differential diagnosis from giant cell myo-carditis.
A 68-year-old woman succumbed to subarachnoid hemorrhage and acute myocardial infarction within a period of 3 days. Autopsy revealed white fibrotic lesions in the lateral wall of the left ventricle and interventricular septum of the heart in addition to acute myocardial infarction of the anterior wall. Hi-stology showed fibrotic granulomatous lesions with infiltration of lymphocytes and epithelioid cells. Many multinucleated giant cells of Langhans and fo-reign body types were scattered among these lesions. There was no lesion in the bilateral hilar lymph no-des, but typical epithelioid granuloma was noticed in the lymph node of the carina, liver, and spleen. So we concluded that the heart lesion was a case of car-diac sarcoidosis. Striation could not be seen in the multinucleated giant cells of the cardiac sarcoid le-sion, and, using light microscopy, it seemed to us that these cells had no relation to the cardiac mus-cles.
However, by immunohistochemistry (PAP method) some giant cells tested positive for myoglobin, and others tested positive for lysozyme. The fact that giant cells are not always derived from the cardiac muscule can't be used, as a criterion for the diag-nosis of cardiac sarcoidosis.
Giant cells in the lung and lymph nodes tested po-sitive only for lysozyme.
Hence, using only cardiac histology, it is difficult to make a differential diagnosis between cardiac sar-coidosis and giant cell myocarditis, especially in cases where there is multiple organ involvement.

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