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拡張型心筋症dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)の病態生理に関しては従来から左心カテーテル法1,2),心エコー図法3,4),核医学的検査法5,6),生化学的7),病理学的8〜10),免疫学的研究11)などさまざまな検討がなされている。しかしながらその本態にはなお不明の点が多く残されている。ことに心筋代謝に関しては今後の解明を待つ領域である。今回我々はpositron emission CT(PCT)をDCM患者と冠動脈疾患(CAD)患者に対し施行した。PCTは従来の核医学的検査法に比べ解像力にすぐれ,血流のみならず心筋代謝をも評価しうる利点があり12),興味ある所見を得たので報告する。
Positron CT (PCT) has higher sensitivity and better spatial resolution than single photon emission CT (SPECT) and makes quantitative analysis possible. It can also use physiological tracers and can visualize not only blood flow distribution of the heart but also myocardial metabolism, because PCT can use constituent elements of living bodies such as C, H and O.
In this study, PCT was performed using N-13 labelled ammonia (NH3) as a marker of myocardial blood flow and F-18 labelled fluoro-deoxy-glucose (FDG) as a marker of glucose metabolism in a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy and one with severe coronary artery disease. Initial distribution of NH3 is considered to reflect myocardial blood flow. FDG is incorporated into myocytes and phosphory-lated through same mechanism as glucose, but it cannot be metabolized any more and represents myocardial glucose utilization.
Case 1: a case of DCM, 57-year-old woman.Twelve-lead electrocardiogram showed intraventri-cular conduction delay. Left ventriculogram demon-strated diffuse hypokinesis (ejection fraction=25%). NH3 and FDG PCT showed relatively even distri-bution. However, in the lateral wall increased uptake of both ammonia and FDG was observed.
Case 2: a case severe coronary artery disease, 42-year-old man. Intraventricular conduction delay and diffuse hypokinesis (ejection fraction=14%)were observed Coronary angiogram demonstrated triple vessel involvement. Decreased uptake of NHs was observed in the area except for the inter-ventricular septum. On the contrary, increased uptake of FDG was observed in the hypoperfused region, suggesting the existence of viable myocar-dium which was dependent on the anaerobic meta-bolism of glucose.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.