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Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)の基礎的研究は1970年代初めから始められ,1980年代に入ってから急速に発展し,将来は銀塩を用いたアナログ画像の大半はdigital radiographyに変わるであろうともいわれている。現在,末梢血管および大動脈疾患のDSAはほぼ完全に確立されているが,心疾患に対しての臨床応用の報告は本邦においてはいまだ少ない。特に,従来より行われている左室造影(conventional LVG)は冠動脈疾患を始め各種心疾患の左心機能評価には信頼性の高い検査法であるが,左心室へのカテーテルの挿入,造影剤の注入などによる不整脈の誘発を来たし,画像診断の非侵襲化の点から問題とされていた。
今回,我々はDigital subtraction法を用いて,左室造影(DSA-LVG)を施行し,左室容積および駆出率の算出,定性的およびRegional%—shortening法での定量的に壁運動の解析を試み,シネ・アンギオを用いたconventional LVGと比較検討した。
Fifty three patients were studied by digital intra-venous subtraction angiography (DSA) and conven-tional left ventriculography (LVG). The measure-ments of left ventricular end-diastolic volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV), stroke volume (SV) and ejection fraction (EF) obtained by DSA were comparedwith values of conventional LVG in 21 patients. Single plane area length method of Sandler and Dodge was used to caluculate left ventricular volume for both DSA and conventional LVG. DSA-LVG exhibited close correlation with conventional LVG for EDV (r = 0.94), ESV (r = 0.97) , SV (r =0.84) and EF (r = 0.97) ,
Regional wall motion was compared by contrac-tion movie of both methods in 11 patients with asy-nergy. DSA-LVG and conventional LVG were con-cordant in classification of asynergy in 54/55 (98%). Then LV wall was divided into 12 segments tocaluculate regional %-shortening to evaluate vent-ricular contractivity quantitatively. Fifteen cases were studied preliminary to define the criteria of hypokinesis, akinesis and dyskinesis. After recombi-ning the 12 segments into 5 segments to AHA, the contraction pattern of 17 cases with asynergy was evaluated and compared with that of cineangiogra-phy of conventional LVG. The concodant rate was 80%. The reasons which induced discrepacy were discussed. It suggested that regional %-shortening may be used as a new parameter to evaluated the regional contractivity quantitatively.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.