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To clarify the postulate that turbulence may produce ejection systolic murmurs in children without organic heart disease, blood flow velocity and sound were measured in the main pulmonary artery of 21 cases: 7 with no heart murmurs, 7 with pulmonic ejection murmurs, and 7 with atrial septal defects.
Velocity was measured with a catheter-tip electromagnetic velocity probe, and sound was measured with a catheter-tip micromanometer. Peak Reynolds number and coefficient of resistance were derived from the pulmonary peak velocity.
Ejection murmurs detected intra-arterially were found to be associated with highly peak Reynolds nuber more than 4000. Conversely, in the absence of intra-arterial sound during ejection, only minor peak Reynolds number were detected. A linear relation between the pulmonary peak velocity and peak Reynolds number was shown (r=0.91) and a linear relation between the pulmonary peak velocity and pressure gradient between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery (r=0.73) also was shown. But peak Reynolds number were no significantly correlated with coefficient of resistance. The clinical gradation of the intensity of the murmurs increased as peak Reynolds number increased.
In conclusion, in this study we have demonstrated a clear association between peak Reynolds number and systolic ejection murmurs.
Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.