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Rheological Characteristics of the Aneurysm at the Middle Cerebral Artery Bifurcation Yoshinori TAMANO 1 , Hiroshi UJIIE 1 , Shigeka YOSHIMOTO 2 , Tomokatsu HORI 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Neurological Institute, Tokyo Women's Medical University 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Science University Keyword: middle cerebral artery aneurysm , bifurcation aneurysm , flow ratio , aspect ratio , area ratio pp.921-930
Published Date 2001/10/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436902107
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We performed a retrospective clinical study to estimate the morphological index such as aspect ratio(aneurysm depth/neck) and area ratio (ratio of the cross-sectional area of bifurcated arteries) of 64 caseswith saccular aneurysms (ruptured aneurysms: 41, unruptured aneurysms: 23) at the bifurcation of themiddle cerebral artery (MCA) and made a flow visualization study using a flat three dimensional acrylicaneurysm model to define the flow characteristics in conditions similar to those obtained from the clinicalstudy. The mean aspect ratio and area ratio of the ruptured and unruptured aneurysm cases were 2.81±1.45, 2.52±0.91 and 1.56±0.59, 1.73±0.38. These respective values differ statistically. The area ratio of theMCA bifurcation with no aneurysm was 1.25±0.35. This value was also statistically different from the rup-tured aneurysm case. The visualization study was performed changing the neck size and flow ratio into theperipheries to simulate various aspect ratio and flow ratio into peripheries. The results showed that in-treanerysmal flow was definitely influenced by aspect ratio and area ratio. The aspect ratio over 2.0 andarea ratio below 2.0 failed to drive the inflow inside the aneurysms and developed as a stagnant area in thedome side. The morphological index of aspect ratio and area ratio reflected the flow characteristics in theaneurysm and was statistically different in ruptured and unruptured aneurysm cases. The unrupturedaneurysms with an aspect ratio of more than 1.6 and an area ratio of more than 2.0 must be followed up,because of the risk that they might rupture in the near future.

Copyright © 2001, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


