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最近,悪性腫瘍症例は増加の傾向にあり,また悪性腫瘍に対する治療の進歩でlife spanも延長し,各臓器への転移も増えている1)。従来,転移性心臓腫瘍の頻度は少ないとされていたが,上記の理由により増加の傾向にある。しかし,生前に転移性心臓腫瘍を臨床的に診断することは,容易なことではない。われわれは,剖検にて心臓転移を認めた64例につき臨床および病理学的検討をした。
Metastatic cancer to the heart is not rare. From 1963 through 1980, 525 patients with a histologic diagnosis of malignant disease underwent autopsy. Of these, 64 cases (12.2%) had cardiac metastasis. Carcinoma of the breast and lung, the leukemia and lymphomas constituted the large majority. But carcinoma of alimentary tract spread to the heart with low frequency.
About the site of metastasis, pericardial or myo-cardial involvement constituted the large majority. The left heart was involved in 61% and the right in 30%. In this series, 23.4% of the cases had sub-jective symptoms, that might be related to cardiac metastasis.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.