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The extracorporeal electromagnetic rheoangio-meter has the ability to measure blood volocity and blood vessel diameter simultaneously. The utility of this apparatus was examined. The blood flow-output relation and the diameter-out-put relation was almost linear. Variations of sensor output at a constant flow by changing the situation of the probe in the magnetic field was less than 15% of the output at the center of the magnetic field if the probe was situated within about 5cm apart from the center of it. A leak current from this apparatus was 5μ amperes and, if the polarity of the power source was selected, this current was less than 1μ ampere. A difficulty to use this angiometer clinic-ally is to keep the surface of the sensor loop at a right angle to the direction of the magnetic field. This manipulation is trouble because of the difficulty to see the loop by fluoroscopy. This study attempted to omit this operational difficulty by using the crossing sensor. This sensor was made by two loop sensors which crossed at a right angle each other. If the angles between the surface of each loop and the direction of the magnetic field are θ1 and θ2, and the blood velocity is Vf, the outputs of sensor A (Vfl) and sensor B (Vf2) are Vf・sin θ1 and Vf・sin θ2.θ2- θ1= π/2 (radian). Therefore, Vf=√Vf12+Vf22. This formula shows the possibility to obtain the blood velocity independently of θ1 and θ2. The vessel diameter was able to be measured in the same way.The experiment about the characteristics of the crossing sensor showed that the output of the signal was independent of the direction of the sensor. One of the problems to use clinic-ally the extracorporeal electromagnetic rheoangio-meter was solved by using this crossing sensor.
Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.