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The influence of the residual stenosis of right ventricular outflow tract on the hemodynamical and fluid dynamical parameters in corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot was studied in 40 patients. Aortic flow was measured by an electromagnetic flowmeter and pressures, by pressure transducers after the intracardiac repair. The flow and the pressure were simultaneously measured and recorded. The pressure loss coef-ficient λ was obtained by the relationship between the pressure gradient across the stenosis and the aortic peak velocity which was presumed to be equal to the pulmonary arterial peak velocity. The stenosis was assumed to be orifice-like and was described by the cross-sectional area ratio. The relationship between the pressure loss coef-ficient λ and the cross-sectional area ratio is commonly known for the orifice. The correla-tionship between the cross-sectional area ratio of stenosis in the righ ventricular outflow tract and the hemodynamical, fluid dynamical parameters measured intraoperatively after intracardiac re-pair was studied. The cardiac index (2.4±O.6 l/(min/m2BSA), the stroke volume index (17±5ml/beat/m2BSA), the peak Reynolds number (3500± 1400) and the mean aortic velocity (17±5 cm/sec) showed significantly negative correlationship with the cross-sectional area ratio (66±11%). On the other hand, the modified pressure loss coefficient λ' (0.35±0.25), the peak pressure gradient ΔP (24±16 mmHg), the systolic right ventricular pressure RV (56±17mmHg) and the systolic right to left ventricular pressure ratio RV/LV (0.6±0.21) showed significantly direct correla-tionship. As compared with the cross-sectional area ratio, the modified pressure loss coefficient λ' revealed to be the parameter which can most exactly describe the grade of the residual stenosis. This could be easily calculated during the opera-tion by the equation : ΔP/(F/A)2, where ΔP is the pressure gradient (mmHg), F is the aortic peak flow (l/min) and A is the body surface area (m2). The degree of stenosis may not be properly evaluated by RV/LV, which has been used as the index prognostic of the operative results. The low cardiac output syndrome which was observed sometimes after the corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot was thought to be mostly due to the residual stenosis.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.