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この意味からもRossら1)のafterload mismatchの概念は有用であり,更に近年Sugaら2〜5)によって提唱された収縮期末の圧—容積関係,そのEmaxは心機能評価に新しい方向を示唆したといえる。このEmaxについては,その基礎的検討が摘出心を中心として行なわれており,最近臨床検討も散見される6〜13)ものの,未だ臨床応用に至るまでには,幾つかの問題を解決する必要があろう。
The purpose of present study was to investigate the left ventricular end-systolic pressure-dimen-sion relation resulting from pressure-loadings (afterloadings) under the various interventions in the anesthetized-open chest dogs.
The left ventricular pressure by catheter-tip micromanometer and the left ventricular internal minor dimension using the pulse-transit ultrasonic method were simultaneously recorded and the left ventricular pressure-dimension loops were drawn. The pressure-dimension loops were super-imposed at different pressure-loadings in the control state, during the inotropic interventions (isoproterenol or propranolol) and the various heart rates.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.