

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A study on the mechanism of occurrences of cerebrovascular insufficiencies insenile patients with pulmonary emphysema. Manabu Miyazaki 1,2 1The Internal Medicine of Kosaiin Hospital 2The 3 rd Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Osaka University pp.314-321
Published Date 1960/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404200883
  • Abstract
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In the Present study, function of pulmonary ventilation, component of blood, cerebral circulation, severity of ophthalmofundo-arteriosclerosis and renal function were examined in senile patients of pulmonary emphysema, with respects to relations of the above respective factor to cerebral symptoms (headache, dizziness). From these observations, it is suggested that not only cerebral arteriosclerosis and anoxemia but also functional spasm of cerebral blood vessels due to pulmonary disfunction were regarded as the factors involving of the occurrences of cerebral symptoms in senile pulmonary emphy-sema. It was also indicated that these phenomena were liable to occur in primary chronic pulmonary emphysema or senile pulmonary emphysema. In connection with these findings, pathophysiological studies indicated that when the senile patients of severe pulmonary emphysema with cerebrosclerosis, coronary insufficiency, systematic metabolic disorders, etc. were complicated with acute pulmonary diseases such as pneumonia, then cerebrovascular insufficiency was liable to occur after the development of anoxemia, respiratory acidosis and cardiac insufficiency. It was proposed that cerebral symptoms which were thought to occur as the results of pulmonary disfunction should be called as "pulmonary encephalopathy", and that cerebrovascular insufficiency in which pulmonary disfunction was thought to be the primary cause should be called as "pulmonary cerebrovascular insufficiency" or "cardiopul-mocerebral apoplexy", and therefore that these cerebral symptoms due to pulmonary disfunction should be distinguished from the other cerebral symptoms or cerebrovascular insufficiencies due to the factors excluding pulmonary disfunction.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


