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要旨 虚血性心疾患(IHD)患者の運動時心拍数増加曲線勾配(I-ECOH)に,β遮断剤の投与が影響を及ぼすか否か,そしてpropranolol,atenololおよびcarvedilol間に,その差異があるか否を明らかにすることを目的に本研究を行った.β遮断剤を服用した85例のIHD患者(β群),およびβ遮断剤を服用していない74例のIHD患者(非β群)に心肺運動負荷試験を施行した.I-ECOHは,運動時の酸素摂取量(VO2)に対する心拍数(HR)の増加勾配で,次の式のBと定義した.HR=A・expB・VO2.I-ECOHとVO2 peakは,β群および非β群ともに有意な負の直線関係を認めた(p<0.001).またβ群の回帰直線は,非β群のそれと比較すると下方偏位した.I-ECOHとVO2 peakとの回帰直線は,VO2 peakが高値になるにしたがいatenolol群,propranolol群およびcarvedilol群の順で,非β群の回帰直線より強く下方偏位した.以上のことから,IHD患者のI-ECOHは,β遮断剤服用時に心肺予備能を過大評価する.そして,その過大評価は心肺予備能の高さやβ遮断剤の種類によって程度が異なることが示唆された.
This study was conducted to clarify the effect of β-adrenoceptor blockers on the inclination of an exponential curve-fitting model for oxygen uptake(VO2)and heart rate(HR)during graded exercise(I-ECOH)in patients with ischemic heart disease(IHD). A treadmill exercise test was used to measure the VO2(l/kg/min)and HR(beats/min)during graded exercise in IHD patients who received(β group, n=85)and patients who did not receive β-adrenoceptor blockers(non-β group, n=74). The β group was divided into three groups according to the β-adrenoceptor blockers used〔propranolol(n=36), atenolol(n=19)and carvedilol(n=30)〕. I-ECOH was derived from the following equation:HR=A expB・VO2. The constant “B” represents I-ECOH. The following two identifications were made:1) The relation between peak VO2 and I-ECOH in the β and non-β groups, 2) The relation between peak VO2 and I-ECOH in IHD patients who received three different kinds of β-adrenoceptor blockers. There were inverse correlations between peak VO2 and I-ECOH in the β group(r=-0.54, p<0.001)and the non-β group(r=-0.64, p<0.001). The regression line in the β group was deflected downwards in comparison with the non-β group. As peak VO2 increased, three regression lines were deflected downwards in the respective order of “atenolol,“propranolol” and “carvedilol” group. In conclusion, these results suggest that I-ECOH overestimates the cardio-pulmonary functional reserve in IHD patient who have received β-adrenoceptor blockers. And the overestimation depends on the degree of the cardio-pulmonary functional reserve and kinds of β-adrenoceptor blockers that are used.

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