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要旨 患者は腎不全で血液透析中の66歳,男性.他院で冠動脈造影上左前下行枝(LAD)seg.7-90%,seg.8-90%の病変がありLADにPCI施行.seg.8の病変はバルーン通過せずseg.7に対しCypherステントを留置し終了.その後も胸痛発作ありseg.8のPCI目的に紹介.Guidewireは通過したがバルーンやTornusは不通過.Rota-wireで直接病変通過を試みたが不可能であった.そのためConquest Proで何回も病変を往復させた後rota-wire extra-supportで病変を通過させrotablator施行後Cypherステントを留置し終了した.その後,胸部症状消失.本例のように各種deviceの通過が不可能な場合,Conquest Proのような硬いguidewireを何回も通過させることにより,rota-wire通過のための内腔を拡大させることは有用な方法である.
We tried to perform PCI to a calcified lesion of LAD for a 66-year-old-man with hemodialysis. We succeeded in passing a guidewire to the lesion, but we failed to pass the balloon catheter or Tornus. We also couldn't pass the rota-wire directly. After we passed a Conquest Pro guidewire to the lesion repeatedly, we were able to pass the rota-wire extra-support to the lesion directly. Finally we succeeded in utilizing a rotablator and implanting a Cypher stent. It is useful for a severe lesion through which cannot be passed by any other devices can't be passed to dilate the lesion by passing a stiff guidewire like Conquest Pro repeatedly.

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