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要旨●外科的治療が選択肢となる食道運動障害として,食道アカラシア,esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction,および,びまん性食道痙攣(DES)が挙げられる.食道筋層切開術は有効な治療選択肢と考えられている.また,食道運動障害の代表的疾患の一つに食道無蠕動があるが,重症胃食道逆流症(GERD)のリスクとなり得る.薬物コントロール不良なGERDに対しては逆流防止手術が考慮されるが,食道無蠕動患者に対する逆流防止手術は術後に食餌通過障害を来すリスクが高まる.本稿では食道運動障害を有する患者に対する外科的治療について適応と治療成績,手術手技について最近のエビデンスを含めて詳解する.
Surgery is a treatment of choice for esophageal motility disorders, including achalasia, esophagogastric junction outflow obstruction, and diffuse esophageal spasm. Esophageal extramucosal myotomy is considered an effective procedure for these esophageal dysmotilities. Further, absent esophageal contractility is one of the representative esophageal disorders, also known as a certain risk of severe gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD). Antireflux surgery is generally considered for treating refractory GERD ; however, patients with esophageal aperistalsis are at a higher risk of postoperative dysphagia. Herein, we review recent evidence and detail indications, outcomes, and techniques of surgical treatment for esophageal motility disorders.

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