

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Diagnosis of SSA/P Using Magnifying Endoscopy Yoshihito Tanaka 1 , Hiro-o Yamano 1 , Hiro-o Matsushita 1 , Kenjiro Yoshikawa 1 , Ryo Takaki 1 , Eiji Harada 1 , Michiko Nakaoka 1 , Yuko Yoshida 1 , Tamotsu Sugai 2 , Makoto Eizuka 2 , Eiichiro Yamamoto 3 , Takanori Aoki 3 , Hiromu Suzuki 3 1Department of Digestive Disease Canter, Akita Red Cross Hospital, Akita, Japan 2Department of Molecular Diagnostic Pathology, Iwate Medical University, School of Medicine, Morioka, Japan 3Department of Molecular Biology, Sapporo Medical University, Sapporo, Japan Keyword: 大腸鋸歯状病変 , SSA/P , translational research , 拡大内視鏡 , 開II型 pp.672-681
Published Date 2016/5/24
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403200628
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 In recent years, the serrated pathway has been reported to be one of the developmental pathways in colon carcinoma. SSA/P has attracted attention as one of the precursors of sporadic colon carcinoma with microsatellite instability(MSI); however, in fact, many SSA/Ps do not undergo modifications. Furthermore, it is impossible to resect all SSA/Ps discovered. Therefore, it is important to investigate the best way to decipher which SSA/Ps must be resected.

 We pathologically and genetically examined 132 SSA/P lesions based on magnifying endoscopy findings.

 Our examination suggests that Type II-open pit is specific to SSA/Ps with a BRAF gene mutation and CpG island methylator phenotype(CIMP). In addition, in the case of an additional pit appearing on an already existing Type II-open pit, there is a high probability that the lesion is a gene hyper-methylation SSA/P with cytologic dysplasia and should be resected.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


