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要旨 患者は44歳,男性.胃もたれを主訴に当センターを受診した.内視鏡検査にて,胸部食道中心に畳目模様より幅が広く,太まった輪状溝および数条の縦走溝を認めた.明らかな逆流性食道炎は認めなかった.NBI拡大観察では,IPCL(intra-epithelial papillary capillary loop)が減少していた.好酸球性食道炎を疑い,数か所生検したところ,高度な好酸球浸潤を認め,好酸球性食道炎と診断した.嚥下困難,つかえ感,胸やけなどの症状は認めず,無治療で経過観察とした.その後も内視鏡所見は変化なく,症状も出現していない.
A 44-year-old man was referred to our center because of a dull feeling in the stomach. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed mucosal rings and linear furrows mainly at the middle thoracic esophagus. Reflux esophagitis wasn't recognized. NBI(narrow band imaging)magnifying endoscopy revealed decreased IPCL(intra-epithelial papillary capillary loop). The patient was diagnosed as EE(eosinophilic esophagitis)based on biopsy specimens showing markedly eosinophilic infiltration in the esophageal epithelium. There were no symptoms such as dysphagia or heart burn, so he was assumed to need no follow-up treatment. After 2 years, the endoscopic view has not changed and symptoms have not appeared.

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