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患 者:佐○木○郎 49歳 男子(大工)
A 49-year-old male patient was found to have a large gastric tumor at a mass screening of the upper G. I. tract. The patient was admitted to our hospital, as he had complaints of abdominal distress and slight anorexia. Laboratory and physical examinations showed no abnormalities. X-ray film of the stomach revealed a giant polypous tumor protruding from the fornix of the posterior gastric wall. The tumor was confirmed as a greyish brown, giant polypous one by the gastroscopic examination performed shortly after the x-ray examination. Total gastrectomy was carried out under a diagnosis of stomach carcinoma.
The neoplasm was found in the resected stomach as a fungating spherical tumor with coarse and irregularly nodular surface, measuring 9×9×6 cm in size. Histopathological examination revealed that the tumor showed invasion mainly to the submucosal layer with bartial extension to the subserosal layer. The tumor cells, with nuclei relatively small and uniform in size, were scarce in cytoplasm, showing ribbon-like arrangement and pseudo-rosette formation. However, a small portion of the tumor cells, especially that located near the surface of the mass, showed relatively large, irregular oval nuclei having a few large nucleoli. These cells showed moderate atypism as well as several mitotic figures. Argyrophil reaction was positive by Siver-Munger stain, but Argentaffin reaction was negative by Masson-Fontana stain. The staining for mucin by PAS and Mucicarmin regents was negative. Electron microscopic examination was done using the formalin fixed material, which showed relatively small-sized, electron dense granules in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells. Thus, the tumor was confirmed as carcinoid tumor by the above pathomorphological findings.
The measurement of 5-HT in the blood and 5-HIAA in the urine was done twice, but only postoperatively. The result of the former was 5.7 mcg/dl and 4.8 mcg/dl (Udenfreind's method. normal value: 10~30 mcg/dl) and that of the latter was 4.7 mg/ 24 hrs and 3.9 mg/24 hrs (Udenfreind's method. normal value : 2~9 mg/24 hrs).
Our statistical review of cases up to the date (1972) revealed that this case was the 20th carcinoid tumor originating from the stomach reported in Japan so far.
Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.