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A Case Report of Early Lymphosarcoma Involving Primarily the Stomach Y. Uchita 1 , H. Kondo 2 , H. Harada 2 , Y. Miyake 2 , M. Kawauchi 2 1Central Laboratories Endoscopy Section, Okayama University Medical School 2Hiraki Medical Clinic, Okayama University Medical School pp.925-930
Published Date 1974/7/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111956
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 The patient, a 68-year-old woman, visited the department of internal medicine in the affiliated hospital in our medical school, complaining of epigastric pain, tarry stool and subfebrile temperature. Her chief complaints led us to suspect a disease in the upper GI tract and some hematological disorders, and examinations were accordingly performed. The peripheral blood picture was that of hypochromic anemia with no juvenile leucocytes. Examination of the bone marrow was normal. The initial roentgenography of the stomach revealed in an upright, barium-filled picture deformities of the lesser curvature in the antrum, of both curvatures in the body and the angle. In supine double contrast pictures were seen several protruding lesions of low stature on the posterior wall of the mid-body. Gastroscopy showed several low elevations in each of the lesions on the posterior wall of the body and on the lesser curvature of the antrum near the angle. Their surface was whitish, showing normal highlights. Neither reddening nor bleeding was observed. Both roentgenography and endoscopy of the stomach was hardly revealing in the distinction between carcinoma, RLH, or submucosal tumor. Cytology of the biopsied specimens with May-Giemsa staining showed a number of well-distributed cells, definitely different from those of the epithelium. They were judged lymphoblasts by their morphologic features. As an ancillary finding plasmocytes were also found, No phagocyte, polymorph or eosinophil were to be seen. Histologic examination of the biopsied specimens yielded much difficulty in the discrimination between cancer and malignant lymphoma even by the use of special staining method.

 Finally we arrived at a diagnosis of lymphoblastic lymphoblarcoma after taking account of cytodiagnosis of biopsied materials. Histological study of the resected stomach was early multiple Lymphosarcoma of gastric origin.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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