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要旨●大腸微小病変の通常内視鏡的特徴を明らかにする目的で,病理組織が明らかな5mm以下の微小病変161病変(肉眼型:隆起型69病変,表面隆起型61病変,表面陥凹型31病変,組織型:非腫瘍10病変,腺腫105病変,Tis癌36病変,T1癌10病変)の色素撒布像を含む通常内視鏡所見について多施設・前向きに検討を行った.内視鏡診断と病理診断の一致率については,非腫瘍か腫瘍(腺腫と癌を含んだ)かの内視鏡診断と病理診断の一致率は93.0±2.7%であった.同様に,癌か非癌(腺腫と非腫瘍を含めた)かの一致率は83.2±3.2%であった.大腸微小癌46病変について,非癌病変と比較して有意に高頻度に出現する内視鏡所見について検討した.多変量解析の結果,①緊満所見,②溝状ではなく面状の陥凹,③陥凹内の凹凸,④粗糙,⑤広基性病変で立ち上がり正常粘膜が微小病変において癌に特有な独立した内視鏡所見として抽出された.大きさ5mm以下の大腸微小病変に対する通常内視鏡観察においては,これらの内視鏡所見に注目し,必要に応じて色素撒布や拡大内視鏡観察などを併用すべきである.また,これらの所見が1つ以上認められる病変については,癌,時にT1癌の可能性も考慮し,安易なcold polypectomyは行わず,EMRなどの内視鏡的完全摘除法の選択が重要である.
To elucidate the colonoscopic characteristics of colorectal diminutive(5mm or smaller)carcinomas, a multicenter prospective study involving conventional colonoscopic findings(using indigocarmine dye spray)was performed for 161 colorectal diminutive lesions with established histological diagnoses(polypoid:69, flat elevated:69, slightly depressed:31 ; histological type:hyperplastic:10, adenoma:105, Tis:36, T1 carcinomas:10). The concordance ratio between the colonoscopic and histological diagnoses for the discrimination between adenoma and hyperplastic and between carcinoma and non-carcinoma were 93.0%±2.7% and 83.2%±3.2%, respectively. The results of the multivariate analysis showed that expansion appearance, sessile lesion with normal mucosal border, the presence of depression surface, uneven depression surface, and rough surface structure were found at a significantly high rate in the colonoscopic findings in carcinomas than in adenomas. When a diminutive colorectal lesion is detected, attention should be paid to the 5 conventional colonoscopic findings mentioned above. In addition, the indigocarmine dye method or a magnifying colonoscopy should be used to confirm whether the 5 colonoscopic findings are present. If one or more colonoscopic findings are present, diminutive colorectal carcinoma, including T1 carcinoma, should be considered. The carcinoma should not be resected by cold polypectomy, but a complete resection method, such as EMR, should be considered.

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