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Recent development of glass fiber endoscopy has enabled us to perform biopsy in almost the entire area of the upper gastrointestinal tract. In order to facilitate biopsy diagnosis, we attempted the present investigations to shorten the time necessary for obtaining a usual paraffin preparation.
Small pieces of tissue 2mm. in diameter taken from the resected stomach by punching with a gastric biopsy clamp were placed on a filter paper. These specimens were treated in various ways with formalin fixation, dehydration with 70, 85, and 100 per cent ethanol, chloroform and paraffin immersion, and some staining procedures.
It was revealed that the whole procedures for obtaining a usual paraffin preparation could be completed within a total of 2 hours; the procedures are as follows: 20 per cent formalin for 5 min., 70 per cent ethanol 20 min., 85 per cent 10 min., 100 per cent 5 min., chloroform 3 min., paraffin at 58℃ 15 min., and usual hematoxylin-eosin stain, including microtome sectioning, for one hour.
The advantages of the improved paraffin preparation are that modes of tissue preservation and staining surpass those of the conventional frozen-section prepation, microscopic specimens are available within 2 hours, and that when other stains are required for further analysis additional sectioning of the specimen can easily be made from the residual paraffin block. It is believed that this method will make biopsy diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal diseases more attainaible as a routine of an out-patient clinic, as has long been desired by both doctors and patients.

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