

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Case of Carcinoid of the Stomach Tsuneyoshi Yao 1,2 1Dept. of Internal Med., School of Med., Kyushu University pp.1247-1254
Published Date 1970/9/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111314
  • Abstract
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1) A case of gastric carcinoicl is described which was first preoperatively suspected as such by x-ray and endoscopy and later accurately diagnosed by histological pictures of biopsied specimen taken under endoscopical guidance.

2) The patient, a 71-year-old male, had no “carcinoid syndromes” and 5-H. I. A. A. in the urine remained within normal limits. No metastasis to other organs was recognized.

3) Gross specimen of the resected tumor showed that it was a submucosal tumor on the greater curvature side of the corpus with an ulcer on its top. Its size was 2.5×2.0×0.7cm.

4) The cut surface was comprised of structures of several colors: yellowish white, grayish white and brown. They were relatively well demarcated from one another.

5) Histopathologically, the tumor was divided into different cell patterns: a portion in which cells were arranged in small cords or ribbons (a); one where cells were slightly atypical (b); a part where cell atypicality was prominent associated with mitotic figures (c); rosette-like structure (d); glandular structure (e) and grouping of cells rich in eosinophile cytoplasm (f).

6) Argentaffin cell stain by Fontana's and Sevier-Munger's methods was positive in the parts (a) and (d). It was negative in the others.

7) Review of the literature from the stand point of carcinoid diagnosis shows that gross appearance of the tumor as well as quantitative measurement of 5-H. I. A. A. in the urine is not of great help in its diagnosis. Biopsy under the guidance of endoscopy is greatly conducive to its correct diagnosis. However, as pointed out by Bochus, the existence of intramural carcinoma must always be borne in mind.

Copyright © 1970, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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