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要旨 胃カルチノイドの概念・分類の変遷について,①初期概念,②胎生学的分類および臓器特異性,③アミン・ペプタイド類の同定,④発生経路の推定,⑤概念の拡大,⑥概念の再定義,⑦新たな分類の試み,の大きな流れに沿って概説した.また自験例を交えつつ,組織形態,生物学的悪性度,組織発生および遺伝子異常の観点から,近年提出された新たなカルチノイド分類(TypeⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ)の妥当性と問題点についても考察を加えた.
Historical changes in the concept and classification of gastric carcinoid were reviewed as follows ; ① First original concept, ② Embryological classification and organ specificity, ③ Identification of productive amines and peptides, ④ Pathway of histogenesis, ⑤ Broad interpretation of the concept, ⑥ Re-definition of the concept, and ⑦ New classification (Type Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ).
We also discussed the adequacy and issues included in the latest new classification of gastric carcinoid, comparing them with our data. Finally, we reported the most recent knowledge about histogenesis and genetic abnormality of gastric endocrine tumors.

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