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Pictures of pancreatic carcinoma in its early stage are described in this paper based on studies of long-term survivors after pancreatoduodenectomy, of autopsied cases with small carcinoma of the pancreas as well as of cases clinically observed with small carcinoma lesion.
1) According to collected studies by Maki and Sato in 1965, and by Ishii in 1967, 5-year survival rate after pancreatoduodenectomy in Japan is estimated to be 3~4 per cent.
2) Reports from 7 institutions show that 11 patients survived over 5 years and 8 patients over 3 years after pancreatoduodenectomy. In 16 of 19 patients chief complaint was jaundice. In 18 patients neither metastasis nor infiltration to other tissues was seen at laparotomy. Tumor under 3 cm in diameter was seen in 70 per cent and that under 2cm in diameter was seen in 50 per cent.
3) Twelve patients with carcinoma of the head of the pancreas or carcinoma of the periampullary area under 3cm in diameter, were autopsied by Dr. K. Hayashi, Department of Pathology, Nagoya City University. The cause of death in all patients was not tumor-death. In only three of them neither metastasis nor infiltration was seen. In other three patients, slight metastasis to regional lymph nodes and infiltration to the duodenum were found. In the remaining patients, metastases to the liver, lung and lymph nodes of the retroperitoneum or mesocolon were seen. From these results, it is thought that long-term survival could not be expected in about half of patients with small carcinoma of head of the pancreas or carcinoma of the periampullary area with the size of tumor under 2cm in diameter.
4) Eighteen cases with relatively small carcinoma of the pancreas were presented in the meeting of Japanese Society for Study of Pancreatic Disease in August, 1969. Of these, in 13 cases was the size of tumor under 2 cm in diameter. Twelve were carcinoma of head of the pancreas or carcinoma of the periampullary area and one was carcinoma of the body of the pancreas. In all, metastasis or infiltration was seen at the time of laparotomy. Chief complaint was jaundice in 10 of the 12. In 7 patients, carcinoma of the pancreas was found at laparotomy and in the other 6 carcinoma was suspected by diagnostic procedures.
5) Diagnostic accuracy of secretin test, pancreozymin-secretin test, exfoliative cytology of duodenal aspirates, hypotonic duodenography, pancreatic scanning, selective angiography are surveyed from several institutions. The results indicate that preoperative diagnosis of carcinoma of the pancreas is greatly improved by aids of these procedures, and small carcinoma of the pancreas can be suspected in some instances. However, it is concluded that further improvement in diagnostic aids including duodenofiberscopy and reflux pancreatography or cholangiography, is essential for detection of early stage of carcinoma of the pancreas.

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