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大腸癌が発生するまでの過程には,腺腫を発生させる因子,腺腫を大きくする因子,腺腫を癌化させる因子の3つの異なる因子が働いていることが,Hill,Morsonらによって提唱されている1).もし,この仮説が正しいならば,これらの因子は腺腫周辺の正常粘膜にも何らかの影響を及ぼしている可能性がある.この影響による変化を何らかの形で把えることができれば,このような外的因子に強く晒されている患者を腺腫発生以前,あるいは,その初期の段階で選別でき,大腸腺腫,癌のhigh risk群として扱うことが可能となるかもしれない.
A large number of colonic disease together with surrounding mucosa were stained by Culling's PAT/KOH/PAS method and staining property of human colonic mucin was investigated. All advanced carcinomas were stained purple or blue indicating abnormal mucin as suggested by Culling et al. Although the surrounding mucosa of colonic carcinoma was stained in purple or blue in 64%, there was no statistical difference as compared to the control which had no disease throughout the colon. Tubular adenomas were stained in red or purple but villous and tubulo-villous adenomas stained in purple or blue quite frequently. The background mucosa of adenomatosis coli was stained in purple or blue in 92% with statistical significance, suggesting the possible value of this staining method in early detection of the carrier of this hereditary disease. Since dysplastic tubules in ulcerative colitis showed abnormal staining, this method could be useful in the diagnosis of premalignant change in ulcerative colitis.
Problems and value of this mucin staining method at present time were briefly discussed.
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