

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Severe Strongyloides Infestation Diagnosed by the Biopsy of Jejunal Mucosa: As for Its Diverse Clinical Findings M. Yamawaki 1 , H. Ogawa 2 , K. Takabe 1 , G. Yamane 1 , S. Kashiwamura 2 , M. Nanahoshi 2 , K. Yamashita 3 1Department of Gastroenterology, Kinki-Central-Hospital of the Mutual Aid Association of Public School Teachers 2Department of Internal Medicine, Kinki-Central-Hospital of the Mutual Aid Association of Public School Teachers 3Department of Pathology, Kinki-Central-Hospital of the Mutual Aid Association of Public School Teachers pp.337-342
Published Date 1982/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403108822
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 A 66-year-old retired farmer was readmitted to our hospital with complaints of pretibial edema and fatigability on November 26, 1980. He had histories of myocardial infarction and obstructive disorder of biliary tract during those few years. Persistent eosinophilia with anemia, hypergammaglobulinemia and positive autoantibodies suggested an existence of parasite infection or a kind of collagen disease. He underwend a gastrojejunostomy with Billroth Ⅱ method in 1962 under the diagnosis of gastric ulcer. Granuloma formation at gastric side of anastomotic portion had been noticed endoscopically since 1977, but this finding was considered to be postoperated change. Again, we performed the endoscopic examination with biopsy of jejunal mucosa. Histological examination revealed the sectional image of intestinal strongyloidiasis. Subsequently, characteristic filariform larvae were detected in the stool by means of the filter paper culture technique. Life history of the patient staying in French Indochina and Okinawa during the last World War is noteworthy when we consider the geographical distribution and the distinctive persistent infection of this parasite. He had never left the city of Amagasaki in Hyogo Prefecture since March 1946.

 Retrospective investigation of the history brought to light the interesting clinical findings which indicated the injurious changes due to strongyloides infestation. Roentgenologic pulmonary manifestations of unknown origin which were found during the period of admission with myocardial infarction could be caused by larval migration into the lungs. Furthermore, it might be possible that myocardial infarction was brought about by the larvae. Dilatation of common bile duct with the elevation of serum alkaline phosphatase which was found out in May 1980 indicates the invasion of the parasitic females or larvae to the lower portion of biliary tract. Episodic abdominal pain or repeated high fever attack is one of the most typical symptoms of intestinal strongyloidiasis.

 After the treatment with pyrvinium pamoate 5 mg/kg for ten days, larvae in stool disappeared and general condition improved gradually. From now on, strict attention must be paid to cut off the persistent infection.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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