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胃潰瘍の発生論がやさしそうに見えて,実際は一筋縄ではいかぬしたたかさを持っていることは,前稿の「その1.Kissing ulcerについて」で述べた通りである.またこうした難しさを乗り越える便法として特殊な形を有する潰瘍を例にとるのも一法であると述べた.その意味で本稿の線状潰瘍を目標とした発生論も意味があるわけであるが,定型的な円形潰瘍とは形が違いすぎて,あるいは参考にはならないかもしれない.すなわち円形潰瘍とは全く異なった発生機序を持っているかもしれないという危惧の念はにわかには払拭しがたい.
1, Although the number was limited, we were able to demonstrate in some cases that linear ulcers developed in a very short time among boys and girls of teen-age, especially in their first half. This fact is a refutation against the commonly acknowledged assumption that linear ulcer be formed by a chain of ulcers occurring on a line at various places.
2, These ulcers developed as a result of worries of junior high school students about their entrance examination to high school or their selection of jobs. In other words, we are sure these ulcers belong to a kind of stress ulcer.
3, When we take into account a fact that resection of the stomach because of linear ulcer usually takes place in the age group 40~60, it can be assumed that ulcers that developed at a very early age as exemplified in our cases could lie dormant for long years to come only to recur or become manifest at the time of stress during one's middle years. Of course we do not intend to assert that all linear ulcers be formed in the same way. As there would be various kinds of ripening process in kissing ulcer, so there should be no reason why there would not be various kinds of ripening process in linear ulcer as well.
4, At all events, a linear ulcer once developed would tend to extend by recurrence further on a line along the original linear ulcer.
5, It is not at all clear to us why linear ulcer develops from the outset as we are also quite in the dark about the mechanism of the formation of kissing ulcer. However, these questions may all the more afford us with some clues to the mechanism of ulcer development.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.